Today we meet again with our screenprinting manufactuer There.Space for a print session and a conversation of our new limited edition "HTFFOREVER" Tees + "HTFFOR OPULENCE" sweats design dropping later this fall of our iconic logo design & evolution over the years of H/T/F in collaboration with There.Space, we had the pleasure of speaking to owners Justice & Elijah the minds behind Downtown Phoenix "There.Space" a membership community of screen printers and embroidery services for creatives and more.
H/T/F: "How does it feel to be apart of so many subcultures within Arizona?" (Fashion,Art,Music)
THERE.SPACE: Honestly, it just blows my mind that we are a part of so many communities because it's like we come in on our day-to-day with different communities, and its cool for Justice and me to dive into different communities where we can help them, and it's a unique experience that a lot of people don't get to see. One day we will have a musician at 1 o'clock then at 5 o'clock it's this painter and we meet both of them and they come from 2 different worlds but they are similar in personality wise where they could do some cool shit together so that’s the cool unique part of we do.
H/T/F: "What do you think "There.Space" has done best to grow from the years of us working in a garage, to now this new space in downtown?"
THERE.SPACE: Biggest thing is persistence when you tired and when you not tired when you are excited and not excited and the other thing would probably be knowing when to ask for help and get advice , all that combined we work well together. No matter what we are going to be in here so I think it helps to have another person in this with you because there is days where I am so tired and I'm tryna nap and he is in here working and we are able to push and pull when we need to be pushed and pulled. The other thing is the help to push this thing that you love so much a lot of people want to do it on their own and we will go out and ask for help and they can help us a lot in a certain way then if we did it on our own. I thinks thats important for people to see in a creative aspect for people to see because a lot of people doing creative shit and don't like asking for help or don't like venturing too far out of their comfort zone but I think..Justice especially is down to hit somebody up and say "Hey this is a rough idea but you are able to fulfill it better than we could", so i think thats important.
H/T/F: "What do you do to take care of your mind when you have free time and aren't working with creatives?"
THERE.SPACE: Elijah: "I do nothing *laughs* ill be at home chilling. I like to go to shows socialize with my friends and go out and still kinda do things that involve what we do here, we started this because we love doing it so when we aren't working in the studio we are going to shows or going to markets or going to galleries to show support that we are getting here. Lately we have been too busy to find that time again but if there's a day off to go to a Saturday market ill go for a bit to see people doing things outside of here its still cool to see so yeah".
Justice: "Definitely i feel you know more than anybody even when I'm off I'm constantly thinking about there space I think its rare for me to shut off and if I'm fully shut off no phone or just chilling im just doing nothing, maybe a foot massage."
So if you are looking for resources to get started with your creative ideas and you live in Arizona, you should consider this. They will help you get what you need to be done with no minimum (which in the fashion industry a lot of manufacturers require & a plus is they are cool people). If you are looking to dive into some of my past and present work with them & more projects under the H/T/F company be sure explore our website, subscribe to newsletter to stay in the loop of new drops coming soon...